Kamis, 07 Juli 2016

Ebook Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski

Ebook Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski

Das Buch, das ist gut für Sie hat einige Features. Unter ihnen ist, dass sie ähnliche Themen oder Stile mit den Dingen, die Sie benötigen. Das Buch wird sicherlich auch als auch in den neuen Ideen interessiert sein als gedacht, um immer aktualisiert werden. Das Buch wird auch bieten Ihnen immer neue Erfahrung sowie Wahrheit. Auch Sie sind nicht die professionelle dem Thema verbunden ist, können Sie besser sein understating aus der Lektüre des Buches. Ja, das ist genau das, was das Engineers Of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders And The Spanning Of America, By Henry Petroski wird sicherlich Sie geben.

Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski

Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski

Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski

Ebook Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski

Zur Zeit angeboten! Engineers Of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders And The Spanning Of America, By Henry Petroski als einer der meistgesuchten Veröffentlichung auf dem Planeten. Leitfaden, der für Erwachsene und auch Jugendliche kommen. Sie könnten diese Veröffentlichung für lange Momente gewartet. Also, das ist die richtige Zeit, um es zu erhalten. Noch nie haben Spaß mit der Zeit nicht mehr, wenn Sie die Möglichkeit haben, diese Veröffentlichung zu bekommen, warum haben Spaß mit ihm haben? Wenn hier den Titel dieser Publikation suchen, werden Sie gerade diese Seite sehen. Es wird Ihnen die Position viel bessere Möglichkeit der Veröffentlichung der Überprüfung zu verdienen.

Dieses Buch ist ein Buch, das empfohlene heilen kann und befassen sich mit der Zeit, die Sie haben. Freizeit ist die beste Zeit, um ein Buch zu lesen. Wenn es keine Freunde sind, mit reden, das ist besser, die Zeit zu nutzen, zum Lesen. Wenn Sie in den langen Wartelisten werden, dies ist auch die perfekte Zeit, um zu lesen oder sogar auf eine angenehme Reise zu sein. Engineers Of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders And The Spanning Of America, By Henry Petroski kann ein guter Freund sein; natürlich dieses einfache Buch führt so gut wie Sie denken.

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Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski


Henry Petroski's lyrical history of bridge builders in America is organized around five engineers: James Eads (inventor of the diving bell, which bridged Mississippi at St. Louis); Theodore Cooper (railroad bridge engineer and designer of the ill-fated Quebec Bridge); Gustav Lindenthal (Hell Gate Bridge, New York); Othmar Ammann (George Washington and Verrazano-Narrow bridges); and David Steinman (Mackinac bridge). Petroski's opening and closing chapters, "Imagine" and "Realize," remind us how a bridge starts out as a dream of engineering, but ends as a reality of compromise and maintenance. Edward Tenner says that "The profound contribution of Engineers of Dreams is to remind us that communication across generations may be the most important bridge of all."


A history of the great nineteenth- and twentieth-century bridges and the engineers who built them covers James Eads and the Mississippi River Bridge and Othman Ammann and the George Washington Bridge.

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Taschenbuch: 496 Seiten

Verlag: Vintage; Auflage: Vintage Books (29. Oktober 1996)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0679760210

ISBN-13: 978-0679760214

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

13,2 x 2,5 x 20,2 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.5 von 5 Sternen

2 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 791.849 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

I am a great fan of Henry Petroski, engineering professor and author of such minor classics as The Pencil and The Evolution of Useful Things. Perhaps it is because of these high expectations that I was so disappointed by Engineer of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America. In the end, Petroski seems much better at writing about engineering artifacts - pencils, paper clips, or, in this book, bridges - than the makers of those artifacts. Much of Petroski's "biography" here seemed nothing less than mere formula: you could almost see him filling in his computer template for "name, date and place of birth, school, mentor, etc." each time a new engineer was introduced. Further, he did not even attempt to vary the template from person to person, so that the repetitive style becomes unmistakable. This book is worth reading insofar as it provides a history of the bridges themselves, and the limits of engineering technique and imagination.

Engineers of Dreams is a book I've read several times because it involves me in the history behind some of engineerings greatest triumphs... and failures. The story of great engineers with various combinations of vision and practicality, as well as perseverence in all cases, makes for a kind of drama. In some cases, we know how the story ended, with a great bridge we can see. In other cases, the story ends with a wreck and bodies. From the story of the San Francisco Bay Bridge to the story of the first Quebec Bridge, this book itself spans a range of ability and satisfaction that is a joy to perceive.

excellent author great book

Great book with lots of detailed history. A little long on some stories, though

I am a great fan of Henry Petroski, engineering professor and author of such minor classics as The Pencil and The Evolution of Useful Things. Perhaps it is because of these high expectations that I was so disappointed by Engineer of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America. In the end, Petroski seems much better at writing about engineering artifacts - pencils, paper clips, or, in this book, bridges - than the makers of those artifacts. Much of Petroski's "biography" here seemed nothing less than mere formula: you could almost see him filling in his computer template for "name, date and place of birth, school, mentor, etc." each time a new engineer was introduced. Further, he did not even attempt to vary the template from person to person, so that the repetitive style becomes unmistakable. This book is worth reading insofar as it provides a history of the bridges themselves, and the limits of engineering technique and imagination.

As a structural engineer specializing in bridges, I found this book to be extremely informative. Petroski explores in-depth the bridge design community's heavy hitters. He artistic weaves the engineers personal lives, their design projects, and events of the day into an entertaining story. Petroski sprinkles just enough technology talk here and there to keep the interest of those with scientific minds, but keeps it simple enough so that it is approachable to those who have a fear of math. Well written, great book, and a must read for anyone who wants to know more about how many of America's signature bridges were created.

Engineers of Dreams is a book I've read several times because it involves me in the history behind some of engineerings greatest triumphs... and failures. The story of great engineers with various combinations of vision and practicality, as well as perseverence in all cases, makes for a kind of drama. In some cases, we know how the story ended, with a great bridge we can see. In other cases, the story ends with a wreck and bodies. From the story of the San Francisco Bay Bridge to the story of the first Quebec Bridge, this book itself spans a range of ability and satisfaction that is a joy to perceive.

Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski PDF
Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski EPub
Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski Doc
Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski iBooks
Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski rtf
Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski Mobipocket
Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski Kindle

Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski PDF

Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski PDF

Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski PDF
Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America, by Henry Petroski PDF

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